Category: UpShop’s Projects

“Enter Neighbour”: Upcycling for community

Upcycling can provide new life to unwanted materials – and spark new friendships. In 2016, UpShop started working with Kestrel, a chef who has spent many years working in hatted restaurants, including Sofitel, Matteos, Garden State Hotel, and Tansy, on transforming his little cafe in Camberwell,  Enter Neighbour, into a place he could call his […]

What is waste?

Upcycling is thinking about waste, about what it actually is, and how we are all responsible for it. Visitors to the second UpShop market could have exchanged a nut (as in nuts and bolts!) for a flat white and  perhaps, purchased some  of the materials stored in the workshop or one of the strange and […]

Innersprings and ingenuity

The challenge? Create a fence that is beautiful, low-cost and with reclaimed material. The solution? Upcycle the inner springs from discarded mattresses. Friends, Simon (an accomplished industrial designer) and Naomi May, were all for experimenting and loved the idea. Innovation required that we start from scratch. We worked together, combining our knowledge and expertise in […]

UpShop Pops Up for Xmas

On Saturday 3rd December, 2016, UpShop held its inaugural Pop-Up Market from 10:00am to 4:00pm @ UpShop. 298 Barkly Street, Brunswick. An event designed to connect with the community, showcase some of our evolving inventory, and start collaborating with other upcyclers, who work in different ways, using their diverse skills to re-purpose, re-love, and re-imagine […]