Tag: wood

“Enter Neighbour”: Upcycling for community

Upcycling can provide new life to unwanted materials – and spark new friendships. In 2016, UpShop started working with Kestrel, a chef who has spent many years working in hatted restaurants, including Sofitel, Matteos, Garden State Hotel, and Tansy, on transforming his little cafe in Camberwell,  Enter Neighbour, into a place he could call his […]

mario Millici

Mario Milici (MCMDesign)

Upcycling, to me, is not new; it’s not a trend, or a fad. It’s a way of life. Working as MCMDesign, I have been repurposing and using reclaimed materials wherever possible in furniture, jewelry and building projects for the better part of three decades. Upcycling has made my design practice sustainable: I don’t have the […]

Re-Engineering the kitchen

Creative upcycling is more than repurposing old objects and giving them a bit of a clean so they look shiny and new.  It fundamentally involves design thinking. The kitchen bench at UpShop is an upcycled engineering bench that was being thrown out by an Engineering department when its workshop closed. To work within our L-shaped […]